
Articles Posted in Thoughts/Observations


For a group of insurance companies, litigation in the past 12 months dropped or held steady

For a group of insurance companies, litigation in the past 12 months dropped or held steady Whether people sue more or sue less when the economy declines ought to be a well-understood empirical fact. Managers of in-house legal teams should be able to plan based on the correlation or lack…


Two broad narrative themes in writings and presentations about law departments

The January issue of Historically Speaking has several essays on narrative. As historians use the term, it means the larger “story” told by them in their articles, monographs, and books. Different from factual accumulation, causal relation, or measured argument, the narrative power of good historical writing rests on an over-arching…


Why do all general counsel think their law department is unique?

At the obvious level, they are right. Every person being unique, every law department, a fortiori, is unique. That no-argument point accepted, the felt differences have much less consequence when you look at a department in terms of its processes, structure, culture, software, and other attributes. Then the department shares…