
GCM benchmark survey starts strong – half the respondents so far are new

Of the first 70 participants in this year’s General Counsel Metrics benchmark survey, which opened in late January, slightly more than half of them are return respondents from last year. That means the others are new to the world’s largest benchmark study.

I like to think that word is spreading about the ease of the survey, the quickness with which you get your report, and the tremendous depth of industry comparisons. Then too, it costs nothing. If GCM can sustain that ratio during the year of old to new participants, the full set will easily exceed 1,000 legal departments.

Submit your data before the end of March and, as a bonus, receive the first release of the report in early May, my Analysis Report for 2010, a comparison of 2009 to 2010 data, and a significant discount on custom reports. Click here to take the GCM benchmark study.