
Part LXIII in my series of collected metaposts embedded

  1. Billing rates (See my post of Jan. 23, 2012: with 8 references.).

  2. Chief legal officer title compared to GC (See my post of Jan. 20, 2012: CLO vs GC with 26 references.).

  3. Client satisfaction II (See my post of Jan. 25, 2012: with 10 references.).

  4. Compensation of in-house lawyers ex US (See my post of Jan. 11, 2011: comp outside the United States with 10 references.).

  5. Compensation posts not in ex US (See my post of Jan. 12, 2011: compensation topics with 31 references.).

  6. Direct reports II (See my post of Jan. 17, 2012: direct reports with 8 references.).

  7. Litigators, percent of in-house lawyers (See my post of Jan. 24, 2012: with 6 references.).

  8. Mentoring II (See my post of Jan. 9, 2012: mentoring programs with 9 references.).

  9. Strategic plan (See my post of Jan. 13, 2012: strategic plan with 6 references.).

  10. This blog (See my post of Jan. 31, 2012: with 10 references.).