
Past 10 columns for InsideCounsel: Morrison on Metrics

The columns I write for InsideCounsel every two weeks give me the opportunity to go deeper than my blog posts. I can sit back and think a bit, too, and go deeper.

My posts that point to the columns to date now number 10. They began in May (See my post of June 16, 2010: correlations between inside and outside spending of law departments; June 11, 2010: reasons why benchmark participants may not want to have the name of their company disclosed; July 7, 2010: costs of legal services swing widely in different parts of the world; July 8, 2010 #2: national differences in pay and the effect on total legal spending as a percentage of revenue; July 19, 2010: ratios and correlations; Aug. 3, 2010: methodology to combine internal and external litigation hours into one comprehensive metric; Aug. 9, 2010: the ratio of lawyers per billion is higher in “country departments”; Sept. 9, 2010: many in-house counsel are oblivious to spending figures; and Sept. 30, 2010: normalized metrics;

One more column, about trimmed means and weighted averages, was published on Sept. 27, 2010.