
Rees Morrison’s Morsels #145: posts longa, morsels

Climbing the Avvo rankings. The Alexa rank of this blog on the legal blog list was Number 106 (Alexa rank of 1,055,886) on January 17, 2011 (See my post of March 9, 2009: number 260 and Alexa 30-day number of 4,316,294; and Dec. 13, 2009: number 161 with an Alexa Rank of 1,550,369 (in the US 859,728).

Fuzzy logic, a more mathematical explanation. Fuzzy set theory, as it is called by mathematicians after Lofti Zadeh developed it in 1965, deals with imprecisely defined sets of numbers. According to Tony Crilly, 50 mathematical ideas you really need to know (Quercus 2007) at 67, “With fuzzy sets there is a gradation of membership and the boundary as to what is in and what is out is left fuzzy.” Similarly, I presume, fuzzy logic as applied to document searching deals with looser concepts and criteria for retrieval than traditional, completely defined Boolean searches (See my March 23, 2006: knowledge management software and fuzzy logic; and April 13, 2009: six methods of search.).

Twiiter reports 344 followers and on 25 lists. Llike Forrest Gump running for his own purposes but accumulating followers, on January 25, 2011 this was my retinue (See my post of April 28, 2009: Twitter and 6 references.). Welcome all!

A network of firms in China. The Sino Global Legal Alliance (SGLA) includes UK firm Hogan Lovells plus leading law firms in nine regional Chinese centers. This addition to the collection of law firm associations comes from Asian Lawyer, Winter 2011 at 12 (See my post of April 14, 2010: networks or associations with 7 references.).