
Take part now for Release 3.0 in September! Release 2.0 of the General Counsel Metrics Benchmark Survey went out last week

The second release has 317 participants from 23 countries grouped into 21 industries. Somewhat more than half of them are headquartered in the United States. One quarter of the participants reported revenue below $500 million. One quarter reported revenue greater than $5.8 billion. The median revenue was $1.5 billion.

The participants reported $8.5 billion in total legal spending in support of $3.1 trillion in revenue. At the end of 2010, they had 8,154 lawyers and 6,783 other legal staff (medians of 8 and 6 respectively). In the smallest fourth, departments reported from 1 to 3 lawyers. The next fourth reported more than 3 lawyers but fewer than 8. Twenty-two departments have more than 100 lawyers.

The report provides medians, quartiles and trimmed means on 25 different metrics related to staffing and spending.

Take part now, at no cost, and get Release 3.0 in September The survey takes about eight minutes and asks for six pieces of information. Click here for the secure, online survey or cut and paste this URL into your browser.