
Ten relevant concepts not enough in law department management discussions

Consider ten management concepts that in my opinion ought to have more currency among enlightened managers within law departments.

Concept visualization: display ideas in visual space to see their importance and relationships (See my post of May 15, 2009: idea relationship software with 6 references; and Feb. 10, 2010: visual analytics.).

Correlations: when data shows a numeric connection between two events or metrics (See my post of Feb.13, 2008: correlations with 16 references; and Sept. 28, 2010: correlations with 10 references.).

Culture: the crucial, not-questioned, air-we-breath ways of working of a law department (See my post of Nov. 20, 2007: culture with 13 references and 3 other posts cited; and Aug. 17, 2010: culture defined.).

Decision analysis: lessons learned about how professionals come to conclusions (See my post of Feb. 16, 2008: decisions with 42 references; and March 15, 2009: cognitive traps with 21 references.).

Demographics: cognitive, cultural, and psychological differences between different age groups (See my post of Dec. 5, 2010: demographics and law departments with 11 references.).

Ethnography; the ways that people in groups interact with each other and their artifacts (See my post of Dec. 16, 2005: ethnographers identify patterns in behavior; June 24, 2007 what a cultural anthropologist could glean about law departments; Jan. 8, 2008: how ethnography cold help us understand law departments; and Nov. 19, 2008: a way to understand practices in law departments.).

Hierarchy: not just the sociological notion of who outranks whom in an organization, but the broader notion of greater and lesser importance (See my post of Sept. 22, 2008: concepts and hierarchies; and Feb. 6, 2007: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.).

Information theory: how to clarify in numbers reduction of uncertainty (See my post of May 23, 2008 #4: information theory; March 6, 2009 #1: diminishment of information with each transmission; July 17, 2009: applications of information theory; Nov. 19, 2010: mathematics underlies information theory.).

Network analysis: how to quantify and depict the relationships between people in a law department and with those outside it (See my post of May 11, 2010: social network analysis with 6 references.).

Sustainability: a term for broad environmental awareness (See my post of April 18, 2009: EMC’s general counsel oversees “sustainability”.).