
Twenty industries ranked by “legal efficiency” based on the world’s largest benchmark survey (full results available on request)

As I did with countries, so I analyzed 702 participants of 20 industries in the fourth release of General Counsel Metrics (See my post of Nov. 30, 2010: ranked 11 countries on four basic benchmarks.). On lawyers per billion dollars of revenue, legal staff per billion, internal spending as a percentage of revenue, and external spending as a percentage of revenue, I ranked all 20 industries by their median benchmarks. Each benchmark counted the same.

The most efficient, on this methodology, was the airline industry (14 companies) at a cumulative score of 7. The industry with the most participants, manufacturing (115 companies) fared well at 22. The industry with the highest cumulative ranking on the four benchmarks, at 74, were the 35 companies that make up “Business Services.” Overall, the rankings pretty well match our intuitive understanding of which industries face the most intense legal challenges.

If you would like to see all the industries ranked in a table, e-mail me at Rees(at)ReesMorrison(dot)com.

Find out much more about your company’s benchmark standing! Take part in the largest benchmarking database ever for legal departments and get your 65-page report in three weeks! Click here for the six-minute, confidential online survey based on six of your 2009 metrics.