
Unbalanced representation by regions, so far, in the largest-ever benchmark survey

According to the headquarters country they stated, I assigned each of the 455 law departments in the first release of the General Counsel Metrics benchmark report to one of seven regions. The pattern that became apparent shows lopsided participation.

North America – 281; Continental Europe – 87; Central Europe and Russia (CER) – 30; UK/Ireland – 27; AsiaPacific – 18; Latin and South America – 14; and the Middle East and Indian subcontinent – 5. Not a single participant from Africa.

The imbalance owes mostly to my consulting career and contacts – US for largest part – and the geographic distribution of organizations that have helped me invite law departments. At a deeper level, however, the English speaking countries have more general counsel who are familiar with benchmark studies, assured of their confidentiality, and appreciative of their informational value. In time, that acceptance will spread.