
Well on the way to the milestone of 1,000 law departments in a benchmark survey

My benchmark survey, General Counsel Metrics’ second year, through yesterday had obtained 190 participants. It is well on its way to breach the 1,000 participant milestone. Interestingly, of the law departments in so far, just under half did not participate last year. If most of last year’s 805 participants re-enlist, and 90 have so far, the prospects for fertile and comprehensive analyses are exciting.

These law departments and all others in April will get their first report in early May. So far it covers a total of 4,993 lawyers and $4.5 billion in total legal spending. About 55 percent are US companies and the other half come from 20 countries, led by Canada, the UK, and Brazil.

This benchmark data will be a useful resource for every law department that participates, and it costs nothing. Submit your basic staffing and spending data for your law department today. Click here to go to the confidential, short, online survey.