Gary Weiner, a consulting lawyer with Liquid Litigation Management, brings to the attention of readers two recent studies (Met. Corp. Counsel, Vol. 17, April 2009 at 42). One is George J. Socha, “Bringing e-Discovery in-house: risks and rewards” (Feb. 2009) and the other Brian Babineau,”Getting Control of Electronic Discovery“, Enterprise Strategy Group (Dec. 2008) (registration required).
In a footnote, Weiner mentions that “Babineau conducted a case study of a large corporation, and listed the nine commercial software packages they had purchased in order to bring all aspects of ESI handling in-house” (See my post of Feb. 9, 2008: law department software with 59 references; May 3, 2008: internal discovery teams with 8 references; and July 26, 2008: e-discovery with 24 references.).