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Law departments over-invest in software and hardware, but under-invest in training

What do you think of this quote, from the Fin. Times, July 12, 2006 at 3? “Research from analyst Gartner [Group] claims that every hour of professional end-user IT training is worth at least five hours to the business.” Even if the metrics are dodgy, the point is that software and hardware plopped into a law department deserve no huzzahs.

Only if the staff get enough training over time to make reasonably effective use of the tools does the investment start to pay off (See my posts of Aug. 14, 2005 touches on the costs of training when software is installed; April 12, 2006 on percentages spent in the UK on IT training; April 13, 2006 on law firm IT training; June 26, 2006 on why tech projects flounder; and July 14, 2006 on best methods to train corporate counsel on the powers of software.).

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