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Part L (fifty) of a collection of embedded metaposts

  1. Accounting II (See my post of Dec. 27, 2010: more accounting references with 10 references.).

  2. Definitions (See my post of July 19, 2009: 11 more definitions with 11 references.).

  3. Definitions 8 (See my post of Dec. 6, 2010: 16 definitions with 16 references and 7 metas.).

  4. National coordinating counsel (See my post of Dec. 7, 2010: coordinating counsel with 8 references.).

  5. Number of law departments worldwide (See my post of Dec. 31, 2011: estimates of total number of worldwide law departments with 9 references from 2010.).

  6. Offices of individual lawyers, furniture, desks etc. (See my post of Dec. 30, 2010: items in offices with 27 references and 2 meta.).

  7. Offshore countries (See my post of Dec. 28, 2010: countries where there are offshore service providers with 7 references.).

  8. Patent invention incentives (See my post of Dec. 13, 2010: awards to compensation for inventors with 6 references.).

  9. Psychometric tests II (See my post of Dec. 15, 2010: personality styles and measurements with 7 posts and one meta.).

  10. US Supreme Court (See my post of Dec. 31, 2010: US Supreme Court with 10 references.).