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Part two of how-to posts on this blawg: 21 more

A previous post collected 23 of my more recent lists of how to do something (See my post of Nov. 26, 2007.).

A large number of earlier posts offer how-to suggestions (See my posts of June 14, 2007: conference calls, 6; April 27, 2005: determine the relative effectiveness of cost control practices; Jan. 10, 2006: boost creativity; May 1, 2005: spread CLE learning Feb. 18, 2006: make better decisions, 3; July 15, 2005: increase the “deep smarts” of lawyers; April 17, 2006: empower subordinates, 4; Dec. 20, 2005 and Nov. 14, 2005: help clients get the most from in-house counsel; March 19, 2006: manage litigation hold orders; Oct. 30, 2005: pay bills; Oct. 8, 2005: assign litigation lawyers; April 10, 2006: select a patent firm; March 18, 2007: identify pockets of non-users of the law department; Feb. 1, 2006: lessen peer pressure and the general counsel chill; April 3, 2005: measure productivity; Feb. 8, 2006: account for recoveries; April 27, 2007: define the strength of a relationship between firm and department; Nov. 27, 2005: supervise lawyers; Jan. 24, 2006: match lawyer titles to client levels; and April 8, 2007: add value.).

Whew! How to wear myself out!

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