GC compensation. In early June 2006, Yahoo’s General Counsel, Michael Callahan, received options to purchase 330,000 shares at $31.59 each and 73,000 restricted stock units, according to an SEC filing. (See my post of March 22, 2005 about GC compensation on an executive budget line.).
Governance rating groups. Further to my post of Dec. 4, 2005, The Corporate Library; Glass, Lewis & Co., and Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) all rate the governance performance of companies. They only use publicly available data and 10Ks and websites or what is in letters from the companies. For more information, see the Corporate Governance site
Rich pictures. In light of my post of June 21, 2006 on position descriptions, here is an idea a law department might choose to develop. A “rich picture” helps depict what is really going on in a law department by use of a simple form. It uses circles representing people in a law department connected by lines signifying the relationships they have one another. This tool comes from Betty Vandenbosch, Designing Solutions for Your Business Problems: A Structured Process for Managers and Consultants, 23-27 (Wiley, San Francisco; 2003; ISBN 0-7879-6765-3).