This blog has cited at least four German law departments, and refered elsewhere to Germany several times. A huge amount of managerial creativity and practicality in that economic powerhouse has gone uncovered, therefore, which I wish were not the case.
Send me news about German law departments (See my post of Jan. 27, 2006: Siemens CEO rose from general counsel position; Jan. 14, 2007: Daimler-Chrysler and staff reductions; Jan. 12, 2009 #3: Germany’s loser-pays rules; Feb. 18, 2009: Robert Bosch’s century of a law department; Feb. 18, 2009: Bosch’s IP department; March 15, 2009 #3: ISDA documentation by Deutsche Bank; May 11, 2008: Deutsche Bank’s Walker came from the SEC; Sept. 21, 2009: DeutscheBank and outsourcing; May 31, 2010: comparisons of total legal spend among French, German, Italian, and UK participants; and Feb. 9, 2010: 20% discounts but a clawback bonus expected for successful projects.).
I now add Germany to my list of country accumulations (See my post of April 14, 2011: departments in Canada with 28 references; and May 24, 2010: departments in China with 10 references.).