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The gale of metaphors blowing through these blog posts

Once aware of metaphors, you notice they spring up everywhere – to invoke yet another one (See my post of Oct. 12, 2010: metaphors enable cognition; and Nov. 14, 2005: metaphors of managers.).

My blog posts are dappled with metaphors – another metaphor – so I searched back for explicit uses of the term and let the cistern fill – there I go again (See my post of May 20, 2005: the color red; April 9, 2006: hair loss; April 27, 2005: budget no farther than your headlights; April 15, 2006: “sweeping up after the elephants”; Dec. 23, 2005: racehorses; May 26, 2006: rubber and roads; June 5, 2006: rungs of the career ladder; Aug. 20, 2006: evolution; Aug. 20, 2006: foxes and hedgehogs; Aug. 24, 2006: icebergs; Aug. 28, 2006: de Bono’s six hats; Oct. 12, 2006: law department as sponge; Dec. 17, 2006: contracts should breathe; Feb. 4, 2008: Hulk and Seven Dwarves; April 9, 2008: twins, braids, and DNA as metaphors for the number of fundamental management concerns; June 25 2008: evolutionary economics; June 11, 2008: autarkic legal department; Oct. 22, 2008: build for flexibility; Aug. 4, 2009: funnel metaphor for budgets; June 4, 2009 #3: helicopter managers; July 23, 2009: “When you go to battle, you hire the army not the soldier”; Aug. 4, 2009 #2: borrowings from physics; Oct. 28, 2009: punctuated equilibrium; Nov. 13, 2009: holy grail of ROI; and Dec. 27, 2009: metaphor of metrics: thermometer or thermostat.).

Innumerable other metaphorical spot the leopard of this blog, but with financial failure and stock market crashes all around, let me not heat a dead bourse.

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