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Yet another blog by a former in-house lawyer [metapost blogs by in-house lawyers 16 ]

On her blog, At The Intersection, Pamela H. Woldow writes about such topics as general counsel, legal project management, alternative fee arrangements and what she perceives to be the rising tide of change. A former in-house lawyer turned consultant, Woldow addresses topics of interest both to law firms and law departments, hence the name at the intersection.

To keep up with this micro-niche of the blawgosphere, here are 19 blogs that current or former in-house lawyers publish.

Rich Baer, former general counsel of Qwest (See my post of March 21, 2011: Reliance on Counsel.).

James Bartlett, senior attorney with Northrop Grumman (See my post of Jan. 24, 2010: export-import laws as a listserv mailing list.).

Mr. Bizzle (See my post of March 3, 2011: Mr. Bizzle.).

Tim Bratton, general counsel of the Financial Times (See my post of Feb. 14, 2011: LegalBrat.).

Perry Cone, former general counsel of Citizens Insurance (See my post of Feb. 8, 2011: Leading Inhouse.).

John DeGroote, former general counsel of BearingPoint (See my post of Feb. 13, 2009 #4: Settlement Perspectives.).

Mike Dillon, former general counsel of Sun Microsystems and now of SilverSpring Net (See my post of May 4, 2009 #1: the legal thing.).

Frank Fletcher, general counsel of Nero, AG (See my post of May 8, 2011 #1: Legally

Hannah Hasl-Kelchner, senior attorney with Lorrilard (See my post of Feb. 28, 2008: Legal Literacy.).

Melanie Hatton, general counsel of Latitude (See my post of March 1, 2011: In-House Lawyer.).

Tom Kilroy, general counsel of a UK software company (See my post of March 11, 2011: GC’s Eye View.).

Rees Morrison, former lawyer in law department, now consultant, benchmarker and every now and then blogger (

David Munn, general counsel of Pramata (See my post of Feb. 28, 2008:

Jon Olson, general counsel of Blackbaud (See my post of Sept. 22, 2010: General Counsel Diary.).

William Patry, senior copyright lawyer at Google (See my post of March 2, 2008: Patry Copyright Blog.).

Richard Russeth, general counsel of Leprino Foods (See my post of May 25, 2010: the Last Generalist)

John Wallbillich, former general counsel and now consultant (See my post of Feb. 7, 2009: Wired GC.).

One observation from this veteran of blogging on law department management deserves re-statement. Blogging is like dieting. It is easy to make resolutions and plan and talk and design, but it is difficult to stick to it and write worthwhile non-duplicative posts regularly. It is easier to give links to others’ posts; much harder to write useful material from scratch without duplication.

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