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David Munn’s reference materials on contract management systems for law departments

Hats off to David Munn for his efforts to pull together sources of information on contract management. I extracted this material from his blog.

Although I believe legal departments should not have administrative responsibility for contracts, it is still useful for them to understand the activities and alternatives available to contract administration. (See my post of Nov. 22, 2008: contract management software with 11 references.). In any event, law departments spend much time on contracts (See my post of May 5, 2006: contracts with 15 references.).

Aberdeen Group – Has research materials on contract management, although a subscription is required to access much of it.

Contract Minds – The Blog for Contract Lifecycle Management (sponsored by Selectica)

IACCM – The International Association for Contract and Commercial Management . A wealth of information about contract management. Membership is required to see much of the information, but quite a bit is available to non-members.

National Contract Management Association – Focused primarily on procurement contracting.

PWC White Paper – Contract management: Control value and minimize risks

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One response to “David Munn’s reference materials on contract management systems for law departments”

  1. Hi Rees – although written by Dolphin Software who provide a Contract Lifecycle Management system based on the Microsoft SharePoint platform, the following blog site tries to provide an impartial view (from the vendor side) of the Contract Management software market: