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Different lenses for peering at law department operations: more on blog categories

Since my earliest months of this blog, about three-and-a-half years ago, the 16 categories to which I assign posts have remained stable. Perhaps I am too lazy to rethink them; perhaps most of what I write feels to me to fit comfortably into one of those categories; perhaps the categories are so broad and crude that it makes little difference to anyone (See my post of March 4, 2007: categories on this blog by number of visitors; Jan. 13, 2008: Technorati details on categories; and Feb. 4, 2008: information architecture of this blog.).

Still, other ways of slicing and dicing the ideas in my posts might be more fertile and spur more insights. For example, categories relevant to law department management could include complexity, economics, evolution and change, hierarchies, information flows, productivity, quality, resources, risk, and specialization (See my post of May 19, 2006 #1: all law department activities viewed as information flows, information processes, or information systems.).