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Law department management material is international

Most of the material on this blog comes from US law departments and has their perspective, but insights and examples of practices have come from all over the globe.

I have presented material on management from at least eleven countries: Australia (July 4, 2006, June 16, 2006 and June 30, 2006); Canada (May 10, 2006); China (June 13, 2006 about Haier; and July 30, 2006 on size and spend of law departments’ size); France ( Aug. 26, 2006 on size of largest departments); Ireland (June 16, 2006 and the Bank of Ireland); Kenya (March 10, 2005); Malaysia (May 30, 2005 and Shell Malaysia); New Zealand (March 30, 2006 and total number of in-house lawyers); Poland (July 14, 2006 and contract handling); South Africa (Nov. 13, 2005 and diversity requirements); and many from the United Kingdom (for example, April 12, 2006 on heads of legal).

Other non-US posts have been on Europe generally (See my posts of April 18, 2005 on general counsel becoming more strategic; May 14, 2005 on formal complaint mechanisms; Sept. 5, 2005 on costs per hour; Oct. 29, 2005 on some benchmarks; Oct. 31, 2005 on expectations of outside counsel; Feb. 12, 2006 on employment litigation.) and Asia generally (June 15, 2005 on compensation for general counsel).

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