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Work hard for pomodoros – with an egg timer – to fight against the indulgence to procrastinate

In-house staff like to put off undesirable tasks. Everyone does. So a simple technique described in Law Practice, Sept./Oct. 2010 at 12, appeals to me, Set a wind-up egg timer to ring at 25 minutes: a chunk of time called a pomodoro.” While it ticks away work on one and only one task. When saved by the bell, reward yourself with a three-minute break, then start another pomodoro push. The article emphasizes that you “Don’t interrupt a pomodoro unless the building’s on fire.” The psychology of finite chunks of concentrated attention followed by a respite makes huge sense. Aside from this handy technique, the article says to understand why you put off work, develop routines, and eliminate distractions.

By nature not a procrastinator, I immediately looked to see what wisdom lurks in the stream of previous blog posts (See my post of June 21, 20016: five life-hacking ideas to get the boulder moving; Nov. 6, 2006: skiving at work; Feb. 25, 2008: attorneys and wasted time; 60-90 minutes a day; Aug. 21, 2008: main leisure time-wasters for workers; Nov. 17, 2008: procrastination and its adverse effects; Nov. 2, 2009: goofing off at work; and Feb. 15, 2010: commitment contracts to combat delay.).

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One response to “Work hard for pomodoros – with an egg timer – to fight against the indulgence to procrastinate”

  1. Interruptions are productivity killers to an extraordinary degree. If the egg timer gives you the excuse to ignore potential interruptions such as BlackBerry and EMail, it will be the most productive $5 you’ve ever spent!