
Part LV in a series of collected metaposts embedded previously

  1. Benchmark hyperpost (See my post of May 29, 2011: thirteen metaposts since the previous hyperpost.).
  2. Blogs blawgs in-house (See my post of May 16, 2011: blawgs by in-house lawyers past or present with 16 references.).
  3. Budgets on matters by law firms (See my post of March 25, 2008: matter budgets with 19 references.).
  4. Collective action (See my post of May 19, 2011: inertia, cost-benefit, collective action with 9 references.).
  5. Margin of error, sample error (See my post of May 20, 2011: margin of error with 7 references.).
  6. Matter budgets (See my post of Aug. 11, 2009: budgets, both internal and external and per matter with 17 references.).
  7. Patent license agreements (See my post of April 29, 2011: licensing patents with 9 references.).
  8. Reserves and contingent liability and FASB 5 and accounting (See my post of May 30, 2011: reserves, mostly for litigation with 10 references.).
  9. Tournament, winner take all (See my post of May 20, 2011: Matthew effect with 6 references.).
  10. Video-conferences (See my post of June 8, 2011: videoconference with 7 references.).