360° assessments (See my post of Dec. 26, 2007: 360° instruments with 5 references.).
Academics interested in law dept mgement (See my post of Feb. 25, 2009: academics with 16 references.).
ACC Value Challenge (See my post of Sept. 14, 2009: Value Challenge with 7 references.).
Accounting concepts (See my post of March 18, 2007: accounting terms with 15 references; Aug. 12, 2008: options expensed; Sept. 5, 2007: compensation over $1 million; and Dec. 3, 2007: cash basis and reserves and P&L.).
Administrators office managers (See my post of Feb.13, 2008 administrators with 21 references.).
Alignment with clients (See my post of June 15, 2008; alignment with clients with 16 references and March 29, 2009: nine more posts.)
Balanced scorecards (See my post of Feb. 26, 2008: balanced scorecards with 8 references.).
Annual reviews (See my post of Sept. 21, 2008: annual reviews and evaluations, with 12 references.).
Approval authorization of invoices (See my post of April 13, 2009: signing off on bill review with 6 references.).
Arbitration (See my post of Jan. 16, 2008: arbitration with 14 references.).
ASP or SaaS software (See my post of Feb. 25, 2009: Application Specific Programs with 6 references.).
Associates, complaints about (See my post of May 11, 2007: complaints about associates with 13 references.).
Attorney-client privilege (See my post of Feb. 16, 2008: attorney-client privilege with 18 references.).
Attributes of firms for selection (See my post of Oct. 22, 2008: law firm attributes for selection with 12 references.).
Attrition (See my post of March 8, 2009: attrition in law departments, with 16 references and one metapost.)
Auctions (See my post of May 21, 2007: auctions with 7 references.).
Audits of legal departments (See my post of June 4, 2009: internal audits of law departments with 12 references.).
Cognitive (See my post of Jan. 16, 2008: cognitive with 19 references and 15 plus 3 internal.).
Bad behavior by managers II (See my post of March 31, 2009: nine more posts on poor behavior.).
Bad behavior by managers (See my post of April 23, 2008: bad behavior by managers with 10 references.).
Bayesian statistics (See my post of April 5, 2009: Bayesian statistics with 6 references.)
Beauty contests (See my post of Dec. 21, 2008: beauty contests with 8 references cited.).
Bell curves (See my post of March 12, 2009: bell curves with 8 references.).
Benchmarks, historically (See my post of Jan. 12, 2009: benchmarks over time with 8 references.).
Benchmarks hyperpost (See my post of July 19, 2009: ten metaposts on benchmarks.).
Benchmarks, not individual (See my post of May 29, 2008: benchmarks other than individual metrics with 28 references.).
Benefits perquisites entitlements (See my post of July 26, 2008: benefits with 12 references.).
Best practices (See my post of Feb.14, 2009: best practices with 24 references and one metapost.).
Best practices (See my post of June 6, 2006: best practices with 4 references.).
Bill auditors (See my post of Dec. 27, 2008: bill auditors with 15 references.).
Bill padding (See my post of April 8, 2008: billing padding with 8 references.).
Bill review (See my post of March 2, 2008: bill review with 25 references.).
Billable hour requirements (See my post of Dec. 29, 2008: billable hour requirements of firms with 7 references.).
Billing hyperpost (See my post of Jan. 2, 2009: 8 metaposts.).
Billing rate increases (See my post of Dec. 5, 2008: rate increases by firms with 18 references.).
Billing rates (See my post of May 3, 2009: billing rates other than increases and fees, with 32 references and 8 metaposts with references.).
Blended billing rates (See my post of Dec. 5, 2005: blended billing rates with 7 references, fixed fees.).
Blog, law department management (See my post of Sept. 25, 2008: this blog with 41 references, Law Department Management.).
Blogs law dept mgt (See my post of Jan. 28, 2009: law department management blawgs with 11 references.).
Board of Directors (See my post of Dec. 12, 2007: Boards with 18 references.).
Bonuses (See my post of June 30, 2007: bonuses with 8 references.).
Bonuses for law firms (See my post of July 27, 2008: bonuses for law firms with 13 references.).
Brainstorm (See my post of Dec. 31, 2008: brainstorming with 5 references.).
Brand, law firm (See my post of Nov. 28, 2007: branding by law firms with 11 references, marketing, cross sell.)
Budgets (See my post of Nov. 6, 2005: budgets with 9 references).
Budgets, internal and not outside counsel (See my post of Sept. 9, 2008: internal budgets with 27 references; and Sept. 12, 2008: internal budgets with 25 references.).
Budgets, matter budgets (See my post of May 21, 2007: matter budgets with 9 references.).
Burn rate (See my post of May 3, 2009: burn rates of outside counsel with 6 references.).
Career path (See my post of May 4, 2009: in-house counsel career paths with 15 references.).
Cause and effect (See my post of Jan. 25, 2008: causality with 10 references.).
Change management (See my post of Dec. 21, 2008: change management with 16 references cited.).
Charge back fees to clients, charge-back (See my post of April 15, 2009: charging fees of counsel back to internal clients with 8 references.).
Charge-back of internal time (See my post of Nov. 22, 2008: charge backs of internal lawyer time with 8 references.).
Chargeable hours inside (See my post of May 21, 2009: internal chargeable hours with 12 references.).
Cisco’s law department (See my post of Sept. 25, 2008: Cisco’s Mark Chandler with 30 references.).
CLE (See my post of Dec. 17, 2007: continuing professional development with 4 references.)
CLE, continuing legal education, professional development, training (See my post of May 25, 2008: CLE with 30 references.).
Client satisfaction surveys (See my post of Dec. 5, 2008: client satisfaction surveys with 30 references.).
Coaching (See my post of July 9, 2007: coaching with 8 references, and see mentor.).
Code of Conduct (See my post of Feb. 20, 2009: Codes of Conduct with 5 references.).
Cognitive traps (See my post of March 15, 2009: cognitive traps with 21 references.).
Collaboration, teamwork (See my post of April 5, 2009: teamwork and collaboration internally with 16 references.).
Collective actions (See my post of June 10, 2009: joint collaborations by legal departments with 18 references.).
Collectives of law depts (See my post of Oct. 14, 2005: collective activities by law departments with 5 references).
Commodity legal work (See my post of Sept. 13, 2006: commodity legal work with 5 references.).
Compensation by level in department (See my post of Aug. 27, 2008: compensation by levels with 18 references.).
Compensation elements (See my post of Aug. 21, 2008: compensation elements with 19 references.).
Competitive bids (See my post of Aug. 15, 2008: competitive bids with 35 references.).
Competitiveness among legal staff (See my post of Oct. 2, 2008: competitiveness with 29 references.).
Complexity (See my post of March 13, 2007: complexity with 4 references.).
Complexity, legal (See my post of Dec. 27, 2008: complexity of legal practice with 20 references.).
Compliance (See my post of June 11, 2008: compliance with 33 references.).
Compliance reporting (See my post of Jan. 20, 2009: reporting lines of compliance function with 11 references.).
Concentration (See my post of May 29, 2009: measures of law-firm use concentration with 9 references and 1 metapost.).
Conferences on management topics (See my post of Nov. 16, 2008: conferences aimed at inside lawyers with 11 references.).
Conflicts of interest (See my post of April 20, 2008: conflicts of interest with 24 references.).
Consultants (See my post of Jan. 1, 2008: consulting with 15 references.).
Contingency fee arrangements (See my post of May 12, 2009: contingency (conditional) fee arrangements with 10 references.).
Contract lawyers (See my post of July 17, 2008: contract lawyers with 12 references.).
Contract management software (See my post of Nov. 22, 2008: contract management software with 11 references.).
Contracts (See my post of May 5, 2006: contracts with 15 references.).
Contracts II (See my post of Sept. 2, 2009: contracts with 48 references and 1 metapost.).
Convergence (See my post of Feb. 16, 2008: convergence with 26 references.).
Convergence 2 (See my post of Dec. 27, 2008: additional posts on convergence with 11 references.).
Core competence or competencies (See my post of May 23, 2008: core competence with 12 references.).
Core staff teams at firms (See my post of Aug. 8, 2006: core staff with 6 references.).
Core team II (See my post of July 17, 2008: core team II with 11 references and citations to 7 earlier.).
Corporate governance (See my post of Aug. 17, 2008: corporate governance with 18 references.)
Corporate secretary I (See my post of Dec. 12, 2007: corporate secretary company secretary with 13 references.).
Corporate secretary II (See my post of Aug. 12, 2008: corporate secretary with 21 references.).
Corporate Secretary software (See my post of Sept. 2, 2009: software for corporate secretaries with 11 references.).
Correlations (See my post of Feb.13, 2008: correlations with 16 references.).
Cottage industry (See my post of July 21, 2006: cottage industry with 10 references.).
Cottage industry (See my post of June 11, 2008: cottage industry with 34 references.).
Cottage industry, lit specialty providers (See my post of Jan. 28, 2007: cottage industry, litigation with 8 references.).
Creativity (See my post of Oct. 29, 2006: creativity with 11 references, and see innovation.).
Creativity II (See my post of Sept. 26, 2009: creativity with 13 references and 2 metaposts.).
Cross selling (See my post of Feb. 20, 2009: cross-selling by law firm partners with 7 references.).
Culture (See my post of Nov. 20, 2007: culture with 13 references and 3 other posts cited.)
Culture (See my post of Nov. 20, 2007: culture with 14 references.).
Currency conversion (See my post of June 5, 2009: currency conversion with 6 references.).
Customized software (See my post of June 3, 2009: bespoke, customized software written for legal departments with 12 references.).
CYA self-protection cover your ass (See my post of Aug. 15, 2008: CYA and 6 references.)
Cycle time in litigation (See my post of March 5, 2008: cycle time with 18 references.).
Dashboards (See my post of May 19, 2009: dashboards with 6 references.).
Data mining (See my post of May 6, 2009: data mining by law departments and law firms with 10 references.).
Data on partner rates (See my post of April 30, 2009: billing rates of partners with 14 posts.).
Data visualization (See my post of May 7, 2008: methods to portray data with 9 references; 22 cited in one.).
Decentralized reporting (See my post of Aug. 5, 2008: decentralized reporting with 7 references.).
Decision trees (See my post of June 17, 2009: decision tree software with 6 references.)
Decisions (See my post of Feb. 16, 2008: decisions with 42 references.).
Definitions IV (See my post of Dec. 5, 2007: 11 words and terms defined with 14 references.).
Definitions of management-related terms (See my post of May 3, 2006 – 32; Aug. 26, 2006 – 10; Nov. 26, 2006 -13: definitions with 55 references; and Dec. 5, 2007: 11 words and terms defined.).
Definitions Part V (See my post of Jan. 15, 2009: definitions with 27 references.).
Delegation within department (See my post of Aug. 28, 2008: delegation in a law department with 14 references.).
Deputy general counsel (See my post of Jan. 30, 2009: deputy general counsel with 11 references.).
Dictation (See my post of Feb. 23, 2008: dictation with 5 references).
Direct reports (See my post of May 29, 2009: direct reports to the general counsel with 12 references.).
Disbursements of law firms (See my post of Dec. 1, 2006: disbursements of law firms with 7 references.).
Discounts (2) (See my post of Jan. 21, 2008: 10 more posts with variations on discounts.).
Discounts (3) (See my post of Dec. 26, 2008: third metapost on discounts, with 12 references.).
Discounts from standard billing rates (See my post of Nov. 26, 2006: discounts with 15 references.).
Discovery teams, internal (See my post of May 3, 2008: internal discovery teams with 8 references.).
Diversity (See my post of June 17, 2008: diversity with 29 references.).
Document assembly (See my post of Feb. 26, 2008: document assembly with 16 references.).
Document management (See my post of Dec. 6, 2007: document management with 15 references.).
DuPont (See my post of June 7, 2009: E.I. DuPont with 32 references.).
E-billing (See my post of Dec. 14, 2008: e-billing with 45 references.).
E-billing II (See my post of May 20, 2009: electronic bills with 9 references and 1 metapost.)
E-billing rules (See my post of June 4, 2009: ebilling rules with 6 references.).
E-discovery (See my post of July 26, 2008: e-discovery with 24 references.).
Early case assessment ECA (See my post of Feb. 23, 2008: early case assessment with 8 references.).
Economic concepts (See my post of Sept. 19, 2008: economic concepts with 43 references, 17 internal references.).
Economics (See my post of March 3, 2006: economics with 16 references; and April 27, 2006: five more references.).
Effective billing rates (See my post of March 9, 2009: effective billing rates with 9 references.).
Email (See my post of Nov. 6, 2006: email with 6 references.).
Email effectiveness rules (See my post of Aug. 26, 2009: 30 e-mail effectiveness tips with 9 references.).
Emotional intelligence (See my post of Dec. 3, 2007 #4: EI with 5 references.)
Empirical research (See my post of April 9, 2009: empirical research with 8 references.).
Employee satisfaction (See my post of Aug. 13, 2009: employee satisfaction with 11 references and 8 metaposts.).
Engagement letters retention letters (See my post of Feb. 20, 2007: engagement letters with 5 references.).
Entrepreneurial ideas on this blog (See my post of Feb. 9, 2009: business opportunities discussed on this blog with 12 references and one metapost.).
Environment, energy saving (See my post of March 11, 2009: conservation for law departments with 7 references.).
Ethics (See my post of Dec. 22, 2005: ethics with 5 references.).
Ethics and law departments (See my post of Oct. 7, 2008: ethics with 29 references.).
European law departments compared to US (See my post of May 14, 2006 #5: European law departments with 6 references.).
Evaluations of firms by law departments (See my post of Nov. 16, 2005: evaluations of law firms with 9 references.).
Ex pats (See my post of Jan. 12, 2009: ex pat lawyers and their costs, with 7 references.).
Executive search firms headhunters recruiters (See my post of Sept. 16, 2008: search firms with 12 references.).
Experience curve (See my post of March 11, 2009: experience curve with 9 references.).
Expert witness (See my post of Feb. 2, 2008: expert witnesses with 9 references.).
Extranets (See my post of April 8, 2008: extranets with 13 references.).